Home>Events>STIER invites you to participate in the 2020 Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Soil Environment Testing Technology Training Conference
STIER invites you to participate in the 2020 Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Soil Environment Testing Technology Training Conference Type:Events      2022-12-11

  The "2020 Training Course on Soil Environment Monitoring Technology of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region", sponsored by Inner Mongolia Green Ecological Industry Promotion Association and Hohhot Environmental Protection Industry Association, will be held in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia on December 18, 2020.

  The meeting invited research experts in relevant fields of national environmental soil monitoring, analysis and testing workers and relevant personnel from local environmental monitoring institutions, third-party environmental testing laboratories, colleges and universities and other analysis and testing institutions to jointly exchange relevant problems encountered in the process of soil environmental monitoring and the most cutting-edge technical means, and comprehensively understand the tasks and requirements of national network soil environmental monitoring, soil monitoring technical points The use of business systems and terminals will pave the way for the comprehensive development of soil environment monitoring in the next step.

  At that time, STIER Shiqile Company will display the automatic cleaning machine for laboratory utensils and other products on site, and technicians will help you solve your problems. Welcome to visit and communicate.


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